It is a mental condition or a disease that affects one’s memory power. It is occurred mostly due to physical injury or traumatic stress or in that cases any kind of damage to the brain. There are in general, two types of amnesia present. They are anterograde amnesia and retrograde amnesia. In case of Anterograde amnesia, it is the inability to memorize or remember things that happened recently. It is more of a short-term memory. People suffering from this type usually have good long-term memory and can remember their past but cannot recall the recent happenings or data. Retrograde amnesia is quite opposite to Anterograde amnesia. People suffering from this disease will not be able to recall their past or long-term memories, things that happened long ago. For example, they may forget their childhood. This is occurred due to any damage that causes to the brain due to some traumatic incidents like a car accident etc. It can’t be stated in cases of both of the diseases if it is temporary or permanent. Patients of this disease should be kept under continuous doctor care.

Dealing with amnesia can be very frustrating especially for those who are experiencing it, whether it is short term or long term. Medical attention is compulsory all the time while dealing with or understanding amnesia to the core. In case of early stages of amnesia, memory supplements can be used to some extent to make the patients recover a little. There are many other types of amnesia present like, dissociative amnesia, which causes repressed memories, lacunar amnesia that deals with forgetfulness and infantile amnesia where patients will not be able to recall their childhood incidents. Curing amnesia takes time. One should patiently wait till they remember the memories they have forgotten. Meanwhile memory supplements can be given which act as external aid in bringing back the lost memories. Brain exercises should be done by the patients who will actually improve their alertness and functioning. All this should be done under the supervision of a doctor. Even the memory supplements you take should be prescribed by the doctors and are administered by him. Because these can be dangerous and show side effects if taken in heavy amounts or not handled carefully. Amnesia can also be treated by using certain herbal supplements. There is also one thing that is called blackout phenomenon. In this the person will go into the state of amnesia due to excessive consumption of alcohol. There is also another type of amnesia that is caused by drugs, especially due to the injection of amnesiac drugs during certain surgical operations to help the patient forget the traumatic experience of the surgery. These both are more of intentional cause of amnesia as the person knows this is going to occur and still opt for it. Ofcourse memory supplements can be used to cure the black phenomenon or the amnesia caused due to drugs. But care should be taken that the drug is the specified one for that disease and is prescribed by the doctor. You don’t want to get amnesia while using drugs to prevent one.